Air filters and air purifiers play a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality, which directly impacts the health of you, your family, and your HVAC equipment. Prioritizing air quality in your home demonstrates care for your loved ones’ well-being.


While some factors affecting air quality may seem beyond your control, such as allergy seasons, wildfires, or illnesses brought home from school, the truth is that you can take proactive steps to improve air quality. Allergens, cooking odors, pet odors, seasonal flu, and other airborne contaminants can be effectively managed through your HVAC system.

Air filters and air cleaners. Air cleaner installation

One-inch filter

technician from galaxy heating & air conditioning installing an air quality system in a home.

One-inch filters. Most customers have basic air filters that are 1 inch thick. These filters are inexpensive and easy to replace. However, you need to remember that the thinner filter, the more particles it can let through. This is the cheapest, but also the less efficient filter.

Pleated 6-9 MERV filters

technician from galaxy heating & air conditioning installing an air quality system in a home.

Pleated 6-9 MERV filters. MERV stands for “minimum efficiency reporting value.” These filters are thicker and will catch more particulates, but can often cause your HVAC system work harder to properly move the air. As a result, you can expect more wear and tear on equipment and higher utility bills.

Media filters or HEPA filters

technician from galaxy heating & air conditioning installing an air quality system in a home.

HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air.  These filters must stop 99.97% of particles of 0.3 microns in size in order to comply with HEPA standards. MERV rating vary between 11-16 MERV.  These filters would cost more, but a standard MERV 11 filter should be changed once a year, while cheaper filters require the replacement few times a year. 

Electronic filters

technician from galaxy heating & air conditioning installing an air quality system in a home.

These filters are incorporated into the ductwork. As air passes through, a high-voltage current puts an electrical charge on particles. At the other end of the unit, oppositely charged collector plates grab the particles like a magnet.  Unlike media filters, electronic filters never need replacing, but the aluminum collector plates must be cleaned in soapy water every few months. 

Air scrubbers

technician from galaxy heating & air conditioning installing an air quality system in a home.

While an air purifier is limited to airborne particles, air scrubbers use germicidal UV light waves coupled with a catalytic process to attack germs and other particles while they are still in the air or on surfaces like doorknobs and countertops. By helping to rid your home of a wide variety of germs and allergens, air scrubbers can help reduce allergy and asthma-related symptoms and improve your family’s quality of life. 

Poor indoor air quality can pose a threat to you and your family’s well-being. Thankfully, air filters and scrubbers help clean your space so you can breathe, sleep, and live easier.  

Interested in having a home air purification system installed in your home? Not sure which product is best for you? Contact our indoor air quality experts today

Galaxy Heating & Air Conditioning, Solar, Electrical is your local resource for expert HVAC repair and installation. 

We serve customers throughout Contra Costa, Alameda, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties. 

Call 925-578-3293 or contact us online to schedule your service.